What is the nature of a tiger?
"To talk much and arrive nowhere is the same as climbing a tree to catch a fish." - Ancient Chinese Proverb
To which I point you today to the link below. This is latest entry into the realm of unbridled, inane asshattery that would cause the local haberdasher to blush brighter than a Maine lobster in a steam pot on a summer’s night.
The gist of this entry into the annals of the Christian Science Monitor is that when house cats (you know, fluffy, Mr. Pickles, whatever cutesy name you gave that moribund killing machine) are let loose “out of doors, they (gasp, quick look surprised) KILL SONGBIRDS”, how dare they. How dare Mr. Fluffles resort to the way GOD (this being the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR after all?) designed him. Let us face the hard cold truth; a tiger is a tiger no matter how small. Cats are predators, not omnivores; carnivores, their main diet in the wild would be other animals smaller than themselves, rodents, birds, insects etc. would make up the bulk of what they would normally consume, if left to their own devices, eventually disease and predation by larger animals (i.e. coyotes, dogs, and other carnivorous mammalian and reptiles) would bring their numbers into check.
The problem is that too many of us feel poorly for little kitty and feed them when we should allow nature to do what nature does best, balance itself out. For someone to suggest as they have in the article that small scale felines are not indigenous to America, and therefore are our responsibility is absurd, there are plenty of indigenous animals that without the intervention of mankind would probably have died out long ago due to the lack of suitable habitat. Somehow what some fellow brought with him on a leaky boat 400 years ago is my fucking responsibility, err, hey fella’s guess again. Instead we protect the feline population from predation, hell we even feed them and then expect that by some miracle of jayeeezus that they won’t do what animals do and procreate beyond the carrying capacity of the local ecosystem, well guess what Einstein, when you interfere with the natural cycle of things that’s what happens.
I am tired, I’m tired of the self righteous asshats telling me that I should give my money to them and be grateful because they are doing “GODS” work, hmm…I dunno about you, but why does God need a twenty? If god is omnipotent and omnipresent as the people at this particular publication are sure to tell you, then why do we not allow his designs to reign supreme? Are we so disenlightened as to think for one Pico second that we as lowly humans who god put here to do whatever it is they believe God put us here to do have a better idea than him?
Makes me glad I’m Buddhist. Hat tip to Pamela at End of Empire News for the link to the asshattery today, without her all the doomers would never get any news at all.