20 July 2012

Too bad, ya almost made it.

“Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes” ~Dante

Or, alternately “Welcome to America”.

I’m tired, I know, I know, so are you. But I’m tired for a different reason.

People need to wake up, but I fear the day that they do. The world is collapsing around us, and very few of my fellow ostensibly sentient bipedal hominids seem to have the slightest clue.

Good. Yup I said it, good. I hope with all honesty that they don’t wake up.

“But how can you be so cruel” is the hue and cry, “don’t you have any sympathy for your fellow man”.

Short answer? no. Long answer? Not on your life. I didn’t create their issues.

“Well neither did they”, well they may not have “created” the situation, but they sure as hell didn’t do much to make it better. All I read online, is “I’ve sent 100 resumes out without a single nibble or interview” hmmm…have you gone down during the middle of July and offered to clean the stalls of a local horse farm? Have you gone to the lettuce and strawberry fields and bent over them for 12 hours a day to the point you can’t walk just about, only to go back the next day and do it again? Of course the answer is “No”.

Then why pray tell, would you insist I have the single bit of sympathy, hell even the poor in America don’t know what poverty is. They think they do, but they would be considered kings in many parts of the developing world for simply having a single faucet that puts out somewhat clean water that hasn’t been contaminated with some parasite that makes you shit yourself to death.

Never mind the car (that runs no matter how crappily), the 56 in flat screen TV. you can find in almost every poverty stricken apartment in any ghetto in the united states (an no I’m not talking about people who voluntarily give up what passes for entertainment these days.) along with the fact that most everyone has at least one game system to keep the mini gang bangers busy between drive by shootings.

Well guess what buttercup, shits about to get a far site worse, and your fat pathetic candy ass aint gonna make it through the upcoming bottleneck, which bodes well for me, cause I get all your shit. All your plastic pumpkins you milked the welfare system to get are now MINE.

While you were out buying Xboxes, and large screen televisions I was out buying tools and seeds to make it through, while you were getting beer and smokes with your monthly allotment of other people’s money, I was investing in shovels, hoes, and rakes. While you were buying ding dongs and Twinkies with your food stamps, I was buying rice and beans in bulk, not the tastiest I’ll admit, but it’ll be enough calories to keep me going while you sit around and try to figure out where your next crack hit is going to come from.

Granted that is probably a wholly absurd notion above, however close to truth it may ultimately turn out to be. For the typical American their crack may turn out to be dancing with the has beens, or American idolatry, makes no difference.

To quote the late great George Carlin, “they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and do the paper work, but not smart enough to sit around the kitchen table at night and figure out just how badly they are being fucked”.

Critical thinking is not in their plans. Too bad it aint in yours either.

And in the event you are wondering about that quote at the beginning, it’s Latin. It translates “all hope abandon, ye who enter here”.

Now if you’ll kindly excuse me, I need to finish sorting my seeds, and sharpening my tools. I think I’ll make a junk run around the local yard sales to see what can be repurposed or saved out for trade when the shit really hits the fan.