“I’m sorry” ~ Modern colloquialism used when someone has done something society states they should feel remorse for.
And you are not going to hear it from me. I’m not sorry; above all else I seek the truth, no matter how inconvenient. I don’t deal well with feelings, in order for me to do so it would first require I have them, and being half Vulcan and all it’s kind of tough.
Fact is no one is coming to your rescue. Fact is if you have been unemployed for 2 or 3 years you really need to take a hard look in the mirror, because you obviously missed something when you showered.
Above all else you are solely responsible for you. No one else is, Mitt Romney is not going to save you, Barack Obama is not going to save you, and only person that can save you is you. The Federal Government can bloviate all it desires about the “little guy” fact is they don’t give two rat shits about you or the fact you’re going to lose your house, or that you lost your car, or that you lost your job. Really they don’t, they have much bigger fish to fry, and let’s face it you aren’t even bait to them. After all they just rushed to take care of all those Katrina victims…oh wait, yea that’s right they did too little too late.
When you realized you were going to be at the very least under employed for a longer period than you anticipated, first thing you should have done was sell the McMansion, even if you lost your precious deposit, after that you should have sold the other two cars you really don’t need and never drive, and found something you could afford, rather than try to hold onto the house you were in because “it was your dream home” well guess what buttercup your “dream” just turned into a nightmare.
After that it’s time to go through the garage and get rid of all that crap you don’t use anymore that’s been in a box or bin out there for the last 20 years.
Next you get rid of cable, dish network or whatever other idiot entertainment you have piped into your home. Then you sell the gaming systems you spent all you’re hard earned cash on for your overly spoiled offspring who have known nothing more than a much better life than the typical Ethiopian.
Ok now on day two, you get rid of all but one of the 14 cell phones you have for you and your progeny, cut that plan back to the bare minimum or get a prepaid plan and tell your phone carrier to kiss off, don’t worry about your credit, you don’t have that anymore, after all you stopped paying those the day you lost your job, sorry Charlie, but look at it this way, if you don’t have a phone the collection agencies can only send letters…and who actually gets their mail.
Fact is by severely slashing your outgo from the outset you stand a much better chance of a rapid recovery to something that resembles your old life; at least you’ll be able to afford a monthly trip to McDonald's and not have to order off the dollar menu.
You should reduce your outgo to rent, utilities, food. After that if there is enough to keep the car, insurance and gas then good on you, if not might I suggest you either find a place to work you can walk to or move somewhere they have public transportation to work.
Also start applying to those places you said “I’ll never work there”. Hey bunches of other people have, and they are still alive to tell you about it, your turn. Just keep the Ivy League education off your resume; actually don’t give a resume at all, it just makes you look desperate. And guess what, when you’re in that situation, there are jobs Americans WILL do, go get one of those, oh wait your probably overweight and no one wants to smell you sweaty fat carcass when they are working.
While I can have some variety of empathy for the genesis of your situation, I have no empathy or sympathy for its continuation at your own hand. Only one responsible for you is you.
Got news for you, the President of the United States can no more spur job growth than Madonna or lady gaga could be Mr. Rogers, it’s just not in their genetic makeup.
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