I’m chronicling this not to frighten anyone, not in the least; it’s simply not my style. I went to the “store” (yes that store, the one everyone loves to hate) and as I was gathering my normal apples, grapes, etc. I wandered through the soup aisle, now I should preface this with the fact that I eat soup on a nearly daily basis, its good, filling and low calorie (at least the ones I get), along with cans of tuna, one in the morning, one with lunch and one in the afternoon, so I go get that stuff and a little voice in my head says “buy some ramen” you know the last bastion of food for college kids everywhere, the 12 for 2 buck ramen packets, 3 boxes of chicken and 3 boxes of beef.
So I go up the next aisle, just kind of looking round for anything I might need and I ended up with 2 pounds of salt, I don’t eat salt, I do use it in cooking, but I don’t add it to anything. I’ve felt compelled to purchase these things for reasons unknown, but I think it might be for the same reason that I now possess 20 pounds of rice, 30 pounds of beans, and other legumes. As well as assorted tools and supplies all hand crank variety.
Something is coming, what I do not know, now the end of the world has been coming for a couple thousand years at least, and everyone was certain that their time was the time it would happen, and I’m not saying that the end of the world, just possibly the end of the world as we know it.
The fact of the matter is I’m INTJ (the masterminds) now people of my personality type are not given to fits of compulsion, in fact it’s not unlike us for our contingency plans to have contingency plans. We don’t do anything without a plan, well planned, with contingencies taken care of. So to be compelled to do something totally outside our predefined lists is totally out of character for me.
I also ended up with 1100 rounds of .22 ammo, now I love my .22’s they are cheap fun, but I realized when I put the ammo in the ammo can it belongs in I now have 5500 rounds of .22 ammo, not that it’s a whole bunch, especially for me (I’ve been known to keep enough ammo to start and win a small war), but feel like it’s only about 1/3 of what I really need. I couldn’t help but think that I need several boxes of larger caliber ammo as well. Since the store had plenty of ammo finally, I need to pick up a couple boxes of larger caliber ammo for food purposes.
I also am researching how to keep food without refrigeration, now I grew up canning food, growing a garden etc. I have a pressure canner, and have started to keep things like left over veggies for stocks. I now buy my chicken with the bones in it, so that I can make stock from that. It’s an old school skill set that I feel compelled to learn these things in the event the power goes out on a permanent basis. Heat is easy to generate, I have enough trees in the general vicinity to keep the heat on in the winter and am researching rocket stoves to use this wood in the most efficient manner possible. I also have an earth “rocket powered” oven design in mind that I’ll start building shortly to see how it works out.
It should be noted that up until the invention of refrigeration, food was generally kept in its natural state, walking around until it was needed, in the event the tribe managed to bag a larger piece of meat, or the proverbial ton of fish, they would keep it by either salting or smoking, both technologies I am researching right now, and going to attempt to get right before the feces contacts the high speed rotational device. I am hoping to run into a few books on native American food storage, or older “house books” from the 17th and 18th centuries to use as guides, even if the writing requires a way back dictionary.
I don’t know why this is important, I just know it is. I feel like Shakespeare, “Something wicked this way comes”. Even if I don’t know what wicked thing that is at this time. There have been many prognosticators over the years that have gotten it wrong, and I’ve never claimed to be psychic in any way shape, form, manner, or method. However I have learned to read people very well, I have a high N factor (close to 100, highest of the 4 letters in the Meyers Briggs), N stands for iNtuition, or what your gut is telling you, mine is screaming prepare, but for what?
It’s also telling me that there is another side to this, whatever this is, and that all I have to do is get there successfully. It is entirely possible that I’ve simply driven myself off of the deep end, gone schizophrenic and simply do not realize it, however, the voice really isn’t a voice per se its more my gut telling me to get the hell down off that limb, you’ve done climbed out far enough.
My apologies if this seems a bit disjointed, I wrote it in about 4 minutes as a pure stream of conciousness exercise, so may not follow all the "rules" of course I was never one for "rules" anyway, they are more suggestions than rules.
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